136 Harrison Ave., Graysville, TN 37338

Graysville Administration Building
Mission Statement:
Our mission as a historical society is to improve, enhance and preserve our community and the history it holds. We believe that ownership and responsibility are key in reviving and rebuilding our economic structure and all future development. Hand in hand, one step at a time, history is made and preserved for all generations; past and present.
The Graysville Historical Society was formed in 2009 by a group of passionate citizens for the following purposes:
To collect and preserve historic documents and artifacts;
To identify historical people and places of interest;
To educate the public on the history of our community;
To record historic accounts with newsletters and other publications;
To fund projects of historical relevance with Federal/Sate/Foundation grants;
To provide opportunities for entrepreneurs within the community;
To preserve and restore specific buildings;
To locate and commemorate historic trails;
To collect photographs of the area;
To protect existing collections of artifacts.

Graysville Academy
1. Library-Collection, cataloging and care of books, manuscripts, newspapers and other library materials
2. Museum-Collection, care and storage of historic objects
3. Publications-Responsible for media, bulletins and newsletters
4. Historic Sites-Responsible for establishing historic validity of sites; for marking historic sites; for arranging historic tours.
5. Education-Responsible for arranging suitable programs with local educators.
6. Membership-Responsible for drives and processing applications.
7. Nominations-Responsible for making nominations for officers and board of directors
8. Fundraising-Directing and organizing of fund raising events and programs.
Membership Benefits:
Become a member of the Graysville Historical Society and receive
Bulletins on Society Activities, including the annual meeting, a gathering of professionals and non-professionals historians to hear speakers, tour historic sites, and enjoy fellowship.
The Graysville History Newsletter: Monthly announcements of exhibit openings, publications of new books, and history events around the community and state.
Fundraising events and current Adopt-a-Projects and sponsorships.
Junior Historical Society news, events and grant information.
$5 Annual High School student $75 Annual supporting
$15 Annual College student $100 Annual corporate
$25 Annual Single Individual $200 Annual patron
$35 Annual family/ joint $400 Lifetime (single)
$50 Annual contributor $500 Lifetime (family)
Oldest living resident in Graysville.
Oldest Historical structure in Graysville.
Auctions and Giveaways.
Together we can rebuild monuments of our past; Restore pride in our community; Create opportunity for the future.